United Way

United Way Campaign - Highlights
What an amazing way to kick off our annual United Way Partnership and Campaign! We had the pleasure of having Joe Calabro from Philabundance and Fran Gress from United Way join us today to speak about how we can contribute to Philabundance and many other organizations that United Way is partnered with! Thank you to City View Pizza and Grill for contributing to the Parkway Kick-Off party!
If you'd like to check out the Facebook post, click here!

This year, the #ParkwayFamily had its first “Great Parkway Bake-Off!” We had so many wonderful people submit delicious cookies, creative cakes, and delectable desserts for our judges and participants to enjoy. We are so happy to bring everyone together for such an excellent cause for this year’s United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey partnership and campaign. Thank you to everyone at Parkway who donated and participated in this week’s event!
If you'd like to check out the Facebook post, click here!

We were so happy to keep all members of the #ParkwayFamily involved and excited for the United Way Partnership and Campaign this year. Today we delivered Philly Pretzels to our Operations and Airport team members. Thank you to Philly Pretzel Factory for contributing to the Parkway Ops & Airport Walk!
If you'd like to check out the Facebook post, click here!